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10 Dating Tips from Expert Matchmaker Tammi Pickle with Elite Connections


Dating can be exciting and also nerve wracking. It’s like having an interview for your new potential partner and getting to know someone new takes a lot of work. Try to have fun with it and don’t let it overwhelm you. Here are a few tips…

  1. Be yourself- being authentic and yourself is so very important. Showing the person, the real you, by letting down your guard and letting someone in, is the only way to really get to know someone.

  2. Look and feel your best- get your hair cut, wear something that makes you feel great. Take pride in your appearance, if you look good, then it will make you feel good.

  3. Communication- be open and honest with someone (no they can’t read your mind). Don’t play games, be clear about your expectations, feelings, boundaries, and what you want and need from someone.

  4. Ask questions, listen and share- show interest in what they are sharing with you. Ask questions that you want to know about them, their interests, hobbies, goals, and experiences. Share important things about yourself so they can see the person that you are as well.

  5. Stay positive- have a positive attitude, talk about good things in your life. Don’t talk about negative topics of conversation. Try to have an upbeat, positive, happy, attitude towards life in general. No one wants to talk to someone that’s down, negative, and sad. Do your best to be the best version of you that you can be.

  6. Be confident- confidence is the most attractive trait we possess. Show you are confident by speaking up clearly and thoughtfully. Be decisive and take the initiative. Be outgoing and take the lead.

  7. Body language- make and maintain eye contact when you’re talking to them. Pay attention to your body language and theirs. Have an open and friendly posture and use appropriate gestures to show interest and don’t forget to smile and laugh.

  8. Stay safe- share with someone trusted where you’re going. Meet in a public place and don’t give your personal information until you know you can trust this person.

  9. Don’t have high expectations that this first date will be your forever partner. If you don’t get overly excited that this is the one, then you won’t be let down if it isn’t the one. You do sometimes need to date a bit before finding the one, don’t get frustrated and don’t give up.

  10. Have fun. Go on every date relaxed, having fun, enjoying yourself, and ready to meet someone new. If it works out great, if it doesn’t that’s ok too. Enjoy every moment and when it’s meant to be it will be.


Explore the insightful contributions of Tammi Pickle, a valued contributor to Heart Of Hollywood Magazine. Tammi Pickle, Vice President of Elite Connections, a renowned family-owned matchmaking company with 28 years of matchmaking success, shares her expertise in the world of matchmaking and relationships in our publication. With a degree in Psychology, Tammi offers expert guidance at every stage of the dating journey. You can catch her insightful advice and expertise on various news outlets, magazines, TV shows, radio programs, and podcasts. Tammi Pickle, your go-to matchmaker and relationship guru.

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