By Janet LoveLace
Creating press releases and sending them out to the right people is a big part of working in the film industry, so it’s important to understand everything that goes into the process. From including all the relevant information to utilizing eye-catching elements, creating a successful press release requires attention to detail and a firm grasp of grammar and design devices.
It’s also crucial to use the right tools, both for creating the press release and for sharing or presenting it. Here are a few tips on how to put together a glowing press release that will make your audience sit up and pay attention:

Include all the relevant info in your press release
Before you can put together your press release, it’s important to have all the relevant information at hand. Dates, names, and times are crucial, especially if you want to keep the news under wraps until a certain day. Keep this section brief and to-the-point after your header, which should include an attention-grabbing headline that sums up the gist of your press release.
The bulk of the press release should expand upon your headline without including overly expressive language; cut down the word count and keep the release as clean as possible. Journalists are typically pretty busy, so the more efficient you can be, the better. Make sure you include the contact info for all involved parties in case there is a question about the information you’ve provided.
Include visual elements for interest
While the information included in your press release is the most important part, visual elements such as clear, engaging photos will help boost interest and allow your release to stand out from the others. Just make sure that the photos add something to the info and make the finished product more cohesive. Take a look at the examples at Heart of Hollywood Magazine to get an idea of what to aim for.
Send your press release to the right people
Once you have the design part down, it’s absolutely essential to make sure you’re sending the press release to the right people. Not only will this ensure that it actually gets read by people who can help you spread the word about your event, it will help you protect the reputation of your business, as media outlets don’t want to be spammed with releases that don’t pertain to their field. Building up a solid list of names to send your press releases to is a crucial part of growing a business in the film industry, so keep these contacts handy in an organized document that you can access from anywhere.
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Use online tools for editing and sharing your document
Whether you need to share the press release with coworkers who can sign off on it or you want to download a copy that will be easily accessible later on, using the right tools is essential. Check out how to edit a PDF online and learn how to quickly add notes or text to your file, a handy element when you’re working on a release with multiple people. Not only that, you can submit the finished PDF file to distribution sites just as it is once you’re finished.
Creating press releases is a great way to earn attention for your event, but only if it’s done correctly. By using tools like a PDF editor, learning all you can about graphic design, and ensuring that you’re utilizing the right contacts, you can put together stellar press releases that will help you stand out from the crowd.
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