By Jessica Ross

Ronnie Carol on the cover of Mademoiselle Magazine
Ronnie Carol is a former Supermodel and Actress featured on over 50 magazine covers. For many years, she has also coached, mentored, and educated men and women ranging from ages 20 – 80 on the challenges of life and the human condition. She was fortunate to have been able to travel the globe as a Ford Model, and later became the President of Elite Model Management in Los Angeles, creating deep bonds and connections with people through sharing stories and engaging in dialogue, forums and communities. Growing up however, Ronnie did not live her formative years as a groomed model. The imprints of her having been bullied because she was different, left their definite mark. Her travels, life experiences and commitment to her own personal growth & evolution through daily practices that support empowered choices, as well as the transformation of countless lives, has afforded her the opportunity to become an advocate for this particular topic in need of change in the world.
As a Career woman, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Ambassador for transcending diversity, she is now fulfilling her lifetime mission by speaking out through media outlets, Podcasts, interviews, YouTube, and Radio shows.
Ronnie has served on The Auxiliary Board of Children’s Hospital, instrumental in Angels in Waiting and PATH (People Assisting The Homeless).

Photo credit: Jessica Ross
How did you become interested in Fashion?
The minute I was born. I’m from New York. My Dad was in the Manufacturing Business of Women’s Clothing, and My incredible Mom was just a natural. Great Fashion Sense.
My Sister Nancy & I always dressed up. Everyone was. No Jeans or flannel shirts in N. Y. We were fashion icons from a middle class family, with GREAT FASHION FLAIR. ALWAYS SHOPPING AT SALES & a few famous stores for reduced great clothing etc. That was late 50’s 60’’s and by then our taste was fabulous. I love designing too. Graduated high school before my class. Signed by Eileen & Gerry Ford. So very exciting. Was blessed to become a successful Model in the late 6o’s, 70’s, and beginning of 80’s. TV Commercials, did a Soap Opera for a short time. Worked for the best in N. Y. And traveled & worked all over the World.
Very Grateful. Amazing people in the Business. Still friends on social media.
In the 80's I was offered the Presidency of ELITE MODELS LA. It was INCREDIBLE BUT WAY MORE DIFFICULT THAN BEING A MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!
Which was your most exciting job?
That’s difficult. I worked non-stop for so many years with the best photographers, designers, and other Models. Paris, Japan, India, Milan, New York. Beyond Exciting

How has Fashion Changed from then & now?
Believe it or not. A lot changes every 10 years or so. And I’ve seen it all.
I think people have different tastes. Ages vary what someone likes. Shoes, styles. Pandemic changed a lot of our dressing. Sneakers & more Relaxed clothing. Whatever works for you.
Doesn’t necessarily appeal to me. Age appropriate. Even if you are in good shape. Definitely see many many young people, carrying too much weight. It’s unhealthy.

Ronnie Carol and Dale Robinette in The Billion Dollar Threat (1979)
What are 5 Trends that will never go out of style?
Jeans. Regular & Torn to shreds
Black Leather Jackets
Boots. Sexy, army like. Thick soles
Sneakers every color and height
Nice Handbags. Designer, unknown but cool, crossbody, bags for waist
With the holidays approaching, do you have any advice on how someone can make their outfit more festive?
Some of my ideas are:
Sequin sweaters, small look, black. Leather leggings.
Plain black dress boots Sequin shirt belted
Sequin pants. T shirt tight & black motorcycle jacket. High heels for shorter pants. Long pants High pump, or sneakers
Black motorcycle jkt, sequin T-shirt & mini skirt with tights to match. Boots.
One color except top or boots, shoes, sneakers , make you look taller.
I’m 5’9 and still wear heels

What are your Favorite designs from before & now?
Knit dresses midi length. Tight or some folds for interest.
Black leather hats. , skirts, pants, leggings.
Winter white light wool or gabardine single of DB. Sequin tight top in white, nude, & white cigarette pants, or pleated with pockets in pants. Same fabric as jacket
Cigarette skirts in all colors. Blazer, leather jacket. Love my tops underneath tight.
All of these things from then & now. Don’t hate me. Just my opinion.
What are your fashion don'ts?
Too many & you don’t care. It’s your time to do your thing
You have such a busy schedule as a wife, mother, grandmother and life coach! What have you been working on lately?
Follow Ronnie on Instagram at @Ronniecarol24

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Jessica Ross is an award-winning actress and reporter, appearing on television and in films; she has also written for several fashion blogs, and been on reality TV.
Jessica has been featured on Indie Activity, Action Magazine, Heart of Hollywood, JAMO Magazine, The Actors 2020 Podcast, Entertainment Network Live, Voyage LA, Flicks Daily, Juwai, It Can By You, Livin Style Magazine, Buzzfeed, CBS, and many more.
Heart Of Hollywood Magazine Contributor
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