Patricia Hogan Offers a Message of Hope
Amazing! Seeing myself on the cover of Heart of Hollywood magazine is a dream come true!

I was born and raised in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York, a place with cold snowy winters known to be the birthplace of the popular seasoned chicken wings. I call Buffalo my home and wouldn’t change it for the world. The cost of living is low and the people are friendly.
I was taken from my natural mother at birth due to drug issues. As a baby, I struggled to recover from her addictions, which were now mine. My adoptive parents, whom I consider my real parents, worked diligently to nurse me back to health. To this day I continue to have health issues due to my compromised immune system from birth, but I enjoy my life and live for today.
As a girl, I was drawn to modeling and entered many pageants and talent shows. I won many, but it was never enough to really break through into the industry. This was troubling to me and I had many issues with depression. Of course, the typical treatment for depression involved prescription drugs, which only complicated my life more and took me to a place where I wish no one would ever go.
I spent sleepless nights alone, and most of my day was devoted to recovering from all the prescribed medications. Feeling lost and alone, I sought companionship from anyone willing to listen to my story. Of course, being an innocent teenage girl, this only got me in trouble. I ran away with a much older man whom I thought was my knight in shining armor. After a few weeks, I returned home alone and pregnant. Without hesitation, my loving parents took me in and cared for me and my unborn child.
Having been adopted, I did what at the time I thought was best for my son and gave him up for adoption. Fortunately, I gave him to a local family where I could see his life unfold and we stayed close over the years. My second son was the only blessing from an abusive relationship. After a very short marriage, my son and I moved out, then into my parents’ home until I could get back on my feet. Unfortunately, I became quite ill and my mother had to care for my son until I recovered. My mom has been my rock throughout my life and continues to be there for me. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know where I would be. She is the definition of being a mother. So many times she has stepped in to help me when times were rough.

My third son is my heart who keeps me strong and gives me hope to push through to my goals. Being a single mom is not easy, but I work several jobs to make ends meet and care for my boys. During the week, I am a caregiver at Venture Forth, where I help those with disabilities complete daily tasks. One of my clients is my stepbrother, Todd. He is only 51 but suffers from MS. I will assist him with his daily duties, such as shopping and cleaning. He is such a pleasure to be around it is almost not like working. It is such a rewarding job, being there for those who are less fortunate.
On weekends I work at The Showplace in downtown Buffalo, hosting bands and tending bar. It is such a positive environment, meeting new people and serving customers who come to enjoy the music of many great bands. Please visit their site at and come see me!
My greatest weakness is my heart. I like to help those less fortunate, when sometimes I am actually the one who may need help. That being said, I believe that when you help someone, that kindness will eventually come full circle.
I donate some of my time to events for Variety, which is a children’s charity in Buffalo and western New York. Our most recent event was the 60th Annual Telethon, where we raised over $900,000! These funds directly support the Oishei Children’s Hospital and other children’s charities. This year’s Celebrity Child was Giovani Fiore, from Tonawanda. This event brings both local and national personalities together for a great cause. The event was a success due to the combined efforts of western New Yorkers that contributed their time, talent and money. I’m proud to be one of those people!

Ever since I was a child, I pursued modeling and competed in pageants. One of my talents was dancing, which didn’t get me too far! Not until recently, when I hit 40 years of age, have I felt some success in modeling.
Now more than ever, I am determined to become a successful model and be signed by an agency. I will travel and work long hours to reach my dream.
My greatest role model was my father. I was “Daddy’s girl”. My father was older and married to my mother when they adopted me. They couldn’t have children of their own but fostered many children over the years until I came along to be their daughter. He was my rock, always inspiring me to reach for my dreams., and picking me up and brushing me off when those dreams did not become a reality. I know that he is looking down from heaven and smiling at his Heart Of Hollywood cover model daughter. Thanks, Dad!
Another favorite role model of mine is Kathy Ireland. When I was growing up, she was the ultimate supermodel gracing the Sports Illustrated magazine year after year. Then she founded her own line of apparel and homeware. I remember begging my mom to go to Kmart so I could get another one of her designer outfits. I thought if I wore her clothing, I too could become a supermodel like her. However, I think her true beauty is all the good she was able to do for those less fortunate, because of her success in modeling. To name a few, some of her causes would be March of Dimes, Toys for Tots, and Feed the Children. I think it is extraordinary how she was able to give back so much to so many from her success in modeling.
My interests outside of work are many. Most of those interests involve doing things with my boys. During the summer we love to swim. Whether it is in a pool, creek, lake, or ocean, we enjoy getting wet. I also love taking my boys hiking in one of our many great state parks in western New York. Letchworth State Park is one of our favorites! During the winter, we enjoy sledding. Just today we hit the slopes of Emery Park thanks to a late March snowstorm.
My dream and ultimate goal is to be signed with an agency so I can provide a better life for my boys. Becoming the cover model for Heart Of Hollywood is hopefully only the beginning. I hope to become a successful model so that I to can give back to those less fortunate, like Kathy Ireland did.
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The most memorable part of my Heart Of Hollywood editorial shoot was looking into the mirror after my transformation by my makeup artist. Another memorable moment was losing one of my diamond earrings! Everyone on the team pulled together and searched the studio high and low trying to find it. Adam, my director, even swept the studio floor with a broom in hopes of finding it for me.
I would like to thank my friends and family for believing in me and helping me keep my modeling dream alive. My mother, whom I speak to every day, helps me with everything. I don’t know where I would be without her love and support. My aunt Louise is her sister and like my second mother. I also cannot thank enough for her love and support over the years.
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me to be the next HOH cover model. Last year as runner-up, I wrote about having hope. This year I would like that hope to be true encouragement for other aspiring models to never quit or lose hope in their dreams.
The message I have for those who also desire a modeling career is to be strong and remember you’re always number one. Believe in yourself and keep your head held high as you pursue your dreams. Have confidence in who you are and the willingness to learn from others along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Knowledge is key!
Go out and live your life and tell your story. The world is yours to discover and share. I hope you enjoyed my story. I would love for my readers to share your stories with me. We all have stories to tell, so go out and share it with the world.
- Patricia Hogan

Phone: 716-255-0476
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