By Tammi Pickle

It’s time to make yourself happy. This year you need to do what is needed to find your inner happiness.
-Health and Fitness- We all have goals we want to achieve to be the best possible person we can be. Exercise regularly, I personally am not good about going to the gym. I started taking classes that push me to work out hard for an hour. Do your best to eat healthy, we can all have cheat days but be aware of what’s going into your body and do your best to give your body healthy fuel. It will pay off I promise.
-Prioritize your mental well-being- Self-care activities. Healthy work/ life balance. Make time for yourself for things that make you happy. Practice daily gratitude and have a positive mindset.
-Look and feel your very best- Make time for yourself, put yourself together, hair, makeup, haircut and color. Dress to impress, if you look good you will feel good, and confidence will exude.
-Financial Goals- Create a budget and stick to it. Save a specific amount each month. Pay off debts.
-Career Goals- Set career objectives and goals, create a plan to achieve them.
Learning and Personal Development- Read or listen to things you are interested in learning more about on a particular subject. Take up a new skill or hobby.
-Organization and Productivity- I personally need to work on decluttering and not keeping things that I don’t use. Make the time to clean, organize and declutter your space. Even just 30 min. a day and working on one space at a time, so the task isn’t as daunting.
-Relationships- Spend more quality time with friends and family. Surround yourself with people that lift you up and make you a better person. Strengthen and work on communication in all of your relationships. Make an effort to meet new people and expand your social circle, if you’re single then do something about it, put yourself out there to meet people in different ways.
-Make travel plans: It’s always nice to have something to look forward to. Enjoy time with your loved ones, have adventures, experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.
This year it’s time to focus on your happiness and being the best person, you can be. Enjoy every day to the fullest and have the best New Year.
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