A Review of Choose To Prevail, a Book That Helps Readers Focus on Solutions Rather Than Problems
By Anastasios Paraskevopoulos
In life, nothing is difficult. This is what the book Choose to Prevail by Sandy Rodriguez teaches us.
And as for the power of words, Italian historian and writer Umberto Eco said, “He who possesses the power of the language of words can rule the whole world.”
Choose to Prevail starts off with great truths. Goals are achievable, and self-confidence is often the first condition for success, although few realize this. German philosopher Friedrich Schiller believed in always setting high goals. Even if one didn't reach them, simply having set these high goals was already success in his view. In Choose to Prevail, the author explains how to set high goals and suggests processes to follow in order to reach them.
Sandy delves very deeply into human psychology and mindset. She grabs all these abilities that we as humans have, deeply lodged in our subconscious, and brings them to the surface.
She is very much aware that humans can be victims throughout our lives if we fall prey to insecurities. We know that we must die and can be the most miserable animals on the planet. We suffer from phobias, are afraid of the unknown, realize that happiness is ephemeral, feel that anxieties are permanent, and think there are no guarantees for the future. Sandy offers methods to overcome all these negative feelings.

I am sure that once you close the book, your relationship with yourself and others will dramatically change for the better and your optimism will increase. Because of this optimism, your fighting spirit will also be strengthened. Instead of seeing obstacles, you will focus more on the solutions, and the walls that exist within us will more readily collapse.
And finally, Choose to Prevail explains that change is constant, leading to so many possibilities in life. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, in life everything is fluid and nothing is fixed.
The human mind can be our most important ally. Is also our greatest enemy when we get caught in a vicious cycle of negative thoughts, something which is hard to recognize at the time it is being experienced. Certain behaviors are linked to a negative mindset which can lead us to a dead end. This book is the antidote to that.
The author of this review is an artist and sculptor whose work has been featured in prestigious venues and events, such as the KAJIMA Foundation International Sculpture Competition in Japan, the Carrousel du Louvre and the BAP Gallery in France, the Art Market Budapest in Hungary, the London Art Biennale in the UK, and Luigi Bellini Museum in Italy.
IG: @choosetoprevail